

Ensuring the reliable protection tools, complete with the coherent safety strategy significantly helps to avoid the potential dangers. Data constitute a foundation of all activities within a company; their protection and using them in safety manner is a central point of trust.

Implementation of modern technologies significantly facilitates everyday activities of a given business entity – however, for all its advantages, digitalization still bears some risk of much bigger vulnerability to the cyber-attacks.

Monitoring of the infrastructure

Cybersecurity is currently one of the biggest challenges for any organisation. Due to the universal access to the internet and all resulting possibilities, more and more companies decides to seek their chances by accessing to the global network. In such a situation it is worthwhile, however, to take suitable precautions, as due to any neglection, real losses may occur, e.g. after a single exposure to a cyber-attack, which may result even in company’s bankruptcy. Apart issues of technological nature, resulting from a cyber-attack, one ha salso to count with the loss of company’s reputation.

IT security is currently one of main requirements posed also by the corporate clients. It is widely considered as an inherent element of the high quality software, especially nowadays, when information is the most precious of goods.

Types of the safety devices are diverse, according to the company’s activity profile. Organisations using the IT systems to support „classic” methods of earning money obviously have different needs in comparison to e.g. software manufacturers. There are, however, a few common things, which need to be done in both cases, in order to improve the cybersecurity on company’s and the client’s ends.

To ensure an efficient functioning of the cybersecurity systems, an organisation has to co-ordinate its own actions within the whole IT system. Cybersecurity consists thus of many elements, most essential of which are the following:

  • security of the IT network
  • security of applications
  • security of the end point
  • identity management
  • security of the databases and the infrastructure
  • security in the cloud environment
  • mobile security

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