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  5. Mainframe

Mainframe is a server platform, optimised for transactional transformations. It is the only available solution, allowing for encryption and full security not only on the level of equipment, but also on the level of software for processing very large datasets.

Mainframe computers are on duty with the biggest financial and public institutions, as well as with those datasets, which – due to the multitude and critical character of the datasets and the vulnerability of business processing, need a firm space to ensure the operational continuity. Such sensitive datasets are often made up of public data (personal, fiscal, financial), banking or commercial data.

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Infrastructure monitoring

Companies that use the Mainframe computers, store the significant majority of their data in those computers. Mainframe is a perfect solution for data consolidation for the Linux operational system. The platform supports many more calculative threads and the transactional transformation processes to a much bigger extent than the competitive platforms – especially, when the calculative efficiency for a single thread matters most. Many Mainframe systems are servicing the critical tasks, which have to be performer precisely and in the specified amount of time. These computers also feature the fastest microprocessors in the world, dedicated to a single-thread processing.

The history of the Mainframe computers is more or less 50 years old now. Around the platform a healthy eco-system of the products dedicated to this solution has developed, thanks to which these machines are still in use, in spite of ever-changing economical and technical conditions.

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