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Efective monitoring of the databases, transactional and core systems, as well as the whole IT infrastructure (complete with the individual work stations) influeces to a great degree the quality and the potential success of a business.

Each of these „ecosystem” elements is significant enough to take part in most of the business processes.

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Along with the growing degree of sophistication of application and the entire IT infrastructure, new, even more complex issues need to be addressed and solved. To track down their source, subsequent components of the infrastructure (complete with the user experience) must be monitored, which means that operating correctness and consistency have to be able to be correlated with reference to the infrastructure users’ satisfaction.

Process of monitoring is usually based on measuring and tracking the effectiveness of the bases, by means of the agents, located in the monitored environment (application components, collecting data, which are consequently sent to the central analytical repository), combined with the machine learning and other key factors, estimating the correctness of the monitored occurrences and processes.. Everything happens in real time, thanks to which identification and prediction of the problems becomes much easier.

Additionally, monitoring allows for enhancing and optimising the monitored structures, which influences the improvement of the general efficiency. It also gives the certainty of efficient functioning and full accessibility of both applications and the whole of infrastructure in an organisation. IT administrators can deal with possible issues much faster, thus saving their time and resources. The end user in turn, is happy with an efficient environment (or an appliation) they work with.

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